Monthly Archives: November 2014

You Liked It, But It’s Not in Your Facebook Feed

NaNoBlogWhatever 26 of 30:

Briefly, Facebook forces pages and brands and whatevers who so kindly set up shop on their website to pay to be seen by the very people who said, okay, sure, I want to follow that. It’s just one of the ways Facebook manipulates your timeline, and you don’t know what you aren’t seeing. It’s something to keep in mind if you use Facebook to keep up with events, authors, companies, bands, and so on. It’s also one of the reasons I avoid Facebook. (I have one, but for very private use with some friends, college friends, and family, and not even all of them–and I so rarely log on, I might as well not have one. So if I don’t follow you back on Facebook or I dump you off my list, it’s not personal; it’s about giving Facebook as little information as possible. Twitter’s been pretty evil lately, but I still check it when I can, though I miss stuff there too, and I don’t get around to following everyone/following right away. My feed should show up below.)

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Filed under Just for Fun

Grave Yards

NaNoBlogWhatever 25 of 30:

Today–well, when today happens, as this is all pre-scheduled, and you probably think I’m around on the internet and all–I will be toddling around NYC and its environs, taking pictures of the modern-day remembrances of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire for a project. I hope it will be a warm day, and a dry one. And I hope that as I see things, I am relieved of some of the nightmares I’ve had lately. I’m grateful for modern labor laws, that’s for sure, and for today’s safety standards. I’m grateful that people, int his case, a lot of women, stood up, banded together, and asked for change. And I’m sorry so many had to die for it to happen.

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Filed under Editing, Publishing